Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Having First Child Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Having First Child - Personal Statement Example I experienced these feelings and examined them very closely when my first child, Devin, was sent away from me. It is not possible to put those feelings in words. Although, he was sent to the Hostel for his bright future, yet I missed him. I knew that it was necessary for him to get better opportunities in the future, but sometimes people become so self-centered and selfish, that they don't realize the intensity of the problem. This happens not merely for the individual's own interest but just because of the fear he has to lose something. If I express my feelings before anyone, the first possible question they ask is that if I am that worried about him then what made me choose this option The answer definitely is my desire to see him as a reputable and successful person. His future was more important for me than anything in this world, even more than my emotions and feelings. The aim behind transferring him to a hostel was to provide him with appropriate schooling. It was an emotionally tough experience. I was anxious about the environment of the hostel, the gathering he may have, and the quality of education. It was tough to be separated from my beloved son for such extensive periods. After being separated I came to know about his value in my life. I admired him but did not know that I could miss someone that much. It was all new for me. In the beginning I used to get hyper without any reason.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Theoretical Foundations of Human Relations Essay Example for Free

Theoretical Foundations of Human Relations Essay Section One: Increasingly there is economic interdependency among nations. A global communications network, like a gigantic central nervous system, links every nation of the earth. As ideas, information, and technology are exchanged, cultures merge and adapt to one another. Throughout the world, people dress more alike than ever before. Cities of the world share much in common—police, luxury hotels, traffic, stores, banks, pollution. Thus, as the peoples of the world come together, we witness what some describe as an emerging world culture. According to Herbst, there are several American companies that actually employ oversees workers without thinking of the said individuals’ needs as foreign nationals in the country. Moreover, the situation of the said workers become devastatingly disturbing with regards the evaluation on how American companies treat their workers whether natives of the country or not. With the promise to give due payment for the job of the employees, such employers hold payment for the work visas of their workers, thus forfeiting the issues related with the contract signed by them and their employees as well.   Likely though, it could be observed that such greed has increased the possibility of employees living their work or suing their employers at court with demand of the rightful amount of salary which they believe they are due. The increase of such incidents in the American market however had been reportedly committed by immigrants themselves. Such immigrants who are able o establish their own business in the country and are aiming to earn more than what they are supposed to earn likely make possibilities in stealing from their employees. Negatively, this results to a more devastating situation that is increasingly disturbing within the American society. Understandably, the said situation could still be fixed through educating the said entrepreneurs with regards the laws and ethics of human resource management. Through this, the problem could be resolved thus giving justice to the business and the workers of the organization as well. Nevertheless, while peoples and cultures intermingle, clearly not all see one another as brothers. â€Å"Everyone’s quick to blame the alien,† wrote a Greek playwright over 2,000 years ago. Sadly, the same is true today. The evidence is no farther away than newspaper reports of bigotry, hatred of foreigners, â€Å"ethnic cleansing,† racial strife, religious riots, massacre of civilians, killing fields, rape camps, torture, or genocide. Of course, most people can do little or nothing to change the course of ethnic conflicts. People may not even be directly affected by them. For many of us, however, problems come from a lack of communication with the foreigners with whom we come into contact—neighbors, workmates, or schoolmates. Does it not seem odd that people of differing ethnic groups so often find it difficult to trust and appreciate one another? After all, the Earth is a planet of enormous diversity, endless variety. Most of the people appreciate the rich variety of food, music, and color as well as the many kinds of plants, birds, and animals. Somehow, appreciation of variety does not always carry over to people who do not think and act in the same way that others do. Instead of looking at the positive aspects of diversity among peoples, many tend to focus on the differences and make them a point of contention. Certainly, living in a world that is governed with diversity, it could be expected that in the workplace, diversity itself is also present and thus cannot be avoided. Many workers refer to this hardship as the common source of many conflicts within the working area. Hence, the performance of the employees is then directly affected. Impossible as it may have seemed, diversity within the workplace has still been referred to by many modern business enthusiasts as assets of the organization. How could this be possible? What is Diversity?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Diversity, when referred to in business terms may mean a lot of things. An organization’s workforce may be referred to as diverse for many reasons as well. Diversity may occur because of the differences of opinion because of the differences in personality, in age, in educational attainment, in status in life and even in culture. Mostly, as observed on different business companies, the main reason of such diversity is the existence of a much distinct group of races making up a single workforce for a company.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   How could all these happen? As mentioned in the introduction, many people have already transferred from place to place and a lot of those people, the so-called immigrants, have already decided to stay and work on the foreign lands they have gone to. Hence, the main effect of this social move on achieving success on other places, the employment of the multicultural population has been the resort to supporting the lives of the said immigrants. Hence, the workforce of every company making up the business industries are at times having the same worries on how to face the challenge of dealing with and managing people who are widely different from each other. Section Two:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As mentioned earlier, management of a diverse workforce has been one of the biggest problems that concern the human resources department of any type of company present in the business industries. Hence, it is just reasonable to say that at some points, some management teams may find it a difficult task as well. However, the author, John riddle says otherwise. According to him, â€Å"these are all factors of management that should be considered by good managers even before entering an organization† (113). Hence, this definitely means that avoiding diversity in the workforce may be impossible but giving a resolution to it is not that impossible. After all, there is still a common ground among the working force of each company no matter how diverse they may be it is that they are humans, which makes them capable of being dealt with and managed well. To add to the implication of the procedures, the reading entitled â€Å"CURRENT PSYCHOTHERAPIE, INCREASING MULTICULTURAL UNDERSTANDING: A COMPREHENSIVE MODEL AND DOUGLAS MCGREGOR, REVISITED: MANAGING THE HUMAN SIDE OF THE ENTERPRISES†, the author further mentions that human relations could be enhanced through the psychology of human relations. This means that the psychological approach in understanding human connections actually helps in understanding why and how people are able to relate to each other.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In this regard, John Riddle has suggested several points of consideration when dealing with such business problems. In general terms, he summarized the ways by which a good manager could handle the difficulties of dealing with a diverse workforce.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The said suggestions are as follows: Concentrate on the strengths of the employees. When a manager discovers the tasks where the employees usually excel in, they should be assigned to them as they are expected to be more productive on those fields of the job. Understand the abilities and the potential of each employee present in the organization. These potential assets of the employees could as well be used by the company itself in aiming for the goals that it has set up for the future. Allow communication lines t be open at all times. It is very important for managers to be good listeners. The ability of hearing what the employees want form the company as well as to how they could be of bigger help to the organization could be used as a resource of ideas for the company as well. Make the employees feel that they too have a sense of authority in the company. However, this type of authority should not overstep that of the administration’s. It should be clear that this authority could only be exercised at specific times and places when it is permitted. This may often refer to an ‘open door’ policy that deals with an easier type of agreement between the employees, which could give them a chance to affect how the organization is being managed. They are then allowed to give suggestions; however, no suggestions are implemented unless approved by the administration. Make sure that all employees understand the business goals and objectives. It should always be remembered that a well-informed employee, whether young or old, is a productive employee. A manager should always remember that he is supervising people with feelings who are valuable members of the organization, hence, treating them with great respect at all times no matter what culture they come from is one of the most important virtue any manager could post as an example for his colleagues. Treating everyone fairly and sensitively is the key to creating a fine working environment. It should be remembered that because of the different clutters of the people, they all have different preferences; they have different personal obligations and other more. Considering the fact that dealing with multicultural workforce also involve dealing with their differences of belief, a manager could as well consider fairness at all times to be able to set a common ground for everyone else in the organization. Keep everyone else busy and going all the time. Feeling one’s worth is usually measured on the things they are able to do for the organization in a day. In this manner, it could be said that regardless of one’s difference from the others, being able to do something for the company and being of worth to the organization makes an employee feel that even though there are differences, he still belongs to the organization he is working for. Keep employees informed of the ins and outs of the organization. Keeping employees in the dark when some changes within the organization arise may give them the notion that they are not given importance by the administration of the company. Acknowledge the employees’ efforts, years of work, talent, creativity and good job attributes. Doing so would help everyone else strive for the best while they are working in the company. It could be noticed that the suggestions listed in here are general. Putting these suggestions into good use have mostly caused several companies to achieve unity beyond diversity in their own much diverse workforces. Hence, as Jones commented in his book â€Å"Contemporary Management†, â€Å"diversity is a normal part of modern management. Being globally distinct, it could not be avoided that dealing with different people everyday is a challenge to the modern managers today† (180). Section Three:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The certainties of dealing with diverse people in the workforce are around ninety-nine percent. Considering that we are living in a culturally diverse society, it could be argued that a diverse workforce is indeed a challenge to many business managers today. However, at first, this fact may seem a big problem, on the other hand, if the managers are able to see the common ground of everyone else, which is being human, the said managers would recognize the possibility of making diversity a source of further progress for the company. Mixing up the talents and the abilities of the employees for the goal of the organization would surely help the company reach its peak potential. True, many businessmen around the world today are open to the idea of sharing their business programs with people from other races. Because of the advancement of technology, the said business systems have been made possible to exist between business enthusiasts who belong to different respective cultures.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To others, this step in modern business is usually referred to as one of the most prevalent risks taken by business companies today. Although, to those who have been able to succeed in a highly culturally diverse business environment, the system of involving different races within an organization system had brought them so much challenge to improve and thus further develop their company’s competency within the business world.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   True, the challenges in making certain business systems possible is really not that easy to face. Both the risks of dealing with different people having different individualities as well as diverse cultural preferences are real challenges that must be considered carefully by any business founder. Yet, taking the necessary steps and adjustments in attaining success from the said business system is indeed most rewarding in the end. â€Å"Putting up any business is taking on a big risk†, indeed, controlling a business organization as well as the people making it up is a big challenge for anyone trying to enter the business industries. Although there is the information technology to help out in the process of business expansion, meeting people’s needs from different countries and cultures is always an issue in putting up any business which is expected to become known worldwide.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Indeed, it is no joke to take such a kid of challenge. But with the use of rightful reasoning and open-mindedness, the challenge of meeting people’s needs amidst their differences could be taken by anyone who is determined in making it to the business world. True, it does take so much effort, time and even research to really be able to become successful in this kind of business venture. But the ability to adjust one’s self for others as well as for the organization’s sake is considered a key reason why many who strongly believe in this system of diverse business environment survive the challenges. The Need to Communicate to Eliminate Issues of Differences   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Communication is an important factor that makes a particular organization revolves around the cycle of success. It is one particular element that naturally makes the connection between the individual members of the organization possible. However, it is only through an effective use of communication shall it be noted as a prospect source of success for an organization. Without the effective use of the said factor of organizational connection, it could be observed that the organization would have a hard time following the success system that communication itself offers. What are the measures of both the positivity and the negativity of the usage of communication in organizational arrangements? How does this particular element of success affect the behavior of the members in a certain business organization? These questions shall be carried on through the discussions presented within the paragraphs that follow.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The interpersonal connection that communication particularly creates between people around the organizations actually creates the environment that the said groups of people are supposed to work in. there are particularly five major areas with which communication is particularly involved in the progressive process of the organizations in business: Communicating for the sake of passing information There is a need for constant passing of information especially for organizational members. The idea is that the regular way of people communicating with each other would indeed keep the organization unified and intact for the sake of continuous business progress. Communicating for organizational update on progress Whatever the company deals with, the members should know of all of them. This is for the sake of the establishment of trust among the employees as well as the organization’s administration section. It is through the application of regular communication that the progress reports could be utilized to motivate the other members of the organization. Communication for motivational purposes As mentioned earlier, there is a specific need for the people of the organization to take specific steps in being able to perform well for the sake of organization’s progress. To be able to come to a meeting point between the administrators and the employees, it is then necessary to take advantage of communication. Through the open line of communication that exists between the two said parties, it is then obvious that the changes could be given chances of being fulfilled as both sides of opinions are already able to relate to each other’s needs and expectations form the organization as well as form each other. Communication for the sake of advancement as an organization It is necessary that there exists an open line of communication between all the people making up the organization because of the fact that much of the progress procedures would rely on the ways that govern the ways by which the said people are able to connect with each other through speaking with each other. Their unity, their connection with each other towards progressive efforts relies on their capabilities to talk to each other and support each other through the use of communication. Communication for the sake of implying law To be able to keep the whole organization at the right track, there is a necessity for the administration to imply the laws of business within the operational engagements of the employees as this would particularly identify the limitations and the capabilities as well as the benefits that the company has further provided for the employees. Communicating to the employees on why the said set rules are necessary to be followed by the people working within the organization shall then make it easier for them to cope up with the organization’s rules and thus keep a clear track of the changes that they need to face as they are staying with the said organization.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   From the discussion of the five-point reasons of why communication in the continuing process of a particular organization’s growth, it could be noted that the price that keeping the communication lines open pays is much essential for any organizational progress procedures. Constant attention given to the procedures of communication shall indeed bring forth fine results for the whole team or group that works their way on towards advancements. These five concepts of communication obviously involve the presence of arising conflicts within the process. As obviously mentioned in the explanation, the individuality of each member of the organizations actually notes the possibility of developing conflicts between them. It is through the usage of effective dealing with conflict could the organizations survive the procedures of dealing with their member’s individual differences. Facing destructive conflicts may not be as easy as with dealing with the constructive conflicts. This is primarily because of the fact that destructive conflict aims to destroy the thinking and the perception of the parties involved, whereas constructive conflict could still be turned around just to be able to use the conflict as key reasons for human motivation. [e.g. competition-based conflicts could bring in the possibilities of people wanting to achieve better than the others; thus constructive enough for the organization’s growth]    BIBLIOGRAPHY Riddle, John. (2001). Business Management. Adams Media Corporation. Avon, Massachusetts. Adams, Bob. (2000). Managing people: Lead your staff to peak performance. Adams Media Corporation. Avon, Massachusetts. Hiam, Alexander. (2001). Motivating and rewarding Employees: New and better ways to inspire your people. Adams Media Corporation. Avon, Massachusetts. Martinez, Esdras. (1998). Buisness Managements theories and practice. Rex books Publishing. Manila, Philippines. Jones, Gareth R. (2004). Contemporary Management. Irwin/McGraw-Hill; 4th edition. Pawan Budhwar. 2004. Managing Human Resources in Asia-Pacific   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   (Global Hrm). Routledge. Publishing Company. 236.   Richard C. Foltz. 2000. Religions of the Silk Road: Overland Trade and Cultural Exchange from Antiquity to the Fifteenth Century. Palgrave Macmillan. 241. Chen. 1998. Trajectories (Culture and Communication in Asia). Routledge. Publishing Company. 211. Kwok-kan Tam. 2002. Sights of Contestation: Localism, Globalism and Cultural Production in Asia and the Pacific. The Chinese University Press. 311. Peter Van Der Veer. 1995. Nation and Migration: The Politics of Space in the South Asian Diaspora. University of Pennsylvania Press.141. Laurence Whitehead. 2002. Emerging Market Democracies: East Asia and Latin America. The Johns Hopkins University Press. 213. Alan Barnard. 2002. Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology. Routledge. Publishing Company. 122. David Birch. 2001. Asia: Cultural Politics in the Global Age. Palgrave Macmillan. 23. CURRENT PSYCHOTHERAPIES,INCREASING MULTICULTURAL UNDERSTANDING: A COMPREHENSIVE MODEL AND DOUGLAS MCGREGOR, REVISITED: MANAGING THE HUMAN SIDE OF THE ENTERPRISE. Moira Herbst. (January, 2008). Are H-1B Workers Getting Bilked? Overseas companies are accused of underpaying foreigners on work visas—and hurting U.S. wages. (May 20, 2008).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Battle of Gettysburg Essay -- essays research papers fc

The Battle of Gettysburg   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Battle of Gettysburg was the most decisive battle for the North, and it lasted for a total of three days. It began on July 1 and ended on July 3, 1863. The Confederacy was going on the offensive and was beginning to venture into Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Washington D.C. They encountered Union troops as they advanced towards Harrisburg where they planned to cut off Union supply lines and to steal provisions that they needed. The Battle of Gettysburg became the bloodiest multi-day battle ever fought in United States history. At the end of the Battle of Gettysburg, the Union claimed victory, and they would use this psychological advantage throughout the rest of the Civil War.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On the first day of battle, the Confederate Cavalry attacked a Union Cavalry division that the Confederates greatly outnumbered. The Union Cavalry was able to hold the Confederates off and actually drive them back until the late afternoon. When Confederate reinforcements arrived, they helped to overpower the Union soldiers and force them to retreat. The Union army then attempted to regroup on Cemetery Hill where they were joined by the bulk of General Meade’s Union army.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On July 2, the second day of fighting began. The day began with Lee ordering an attack on the Union flanks in hopes of surrounding them. The Union held strong on the right flank, but on the left, the Confederates were a...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Emarketer the Global Media Intelligence Report Essay

For advertisers, success in the region depends on mastering the increasingly complex interaction between multiple strands of marketing and on building relationships with audiences wary of advertising, per se. But the omnipresence of media also enables marketers to grab consumers’ attention as never before, and to follow their every move as they evaluate brands, products and purchase options. Europe shares many of North America’s characteristics. Moreover, its population, like that of North America, is relatively af? uent. Yet there are often major differences in culture and media penetration from one country to another, as well as variations in online and mobile habits. Regional marketers need to ? ne-tune their strategies accordingly for optimum results. Europe has been caught between Western in? uences and older, Soviet-era ones. This is still the case. Traditional media command large audiences, while the internet has a promising foothold. Advertising is less developed than in Western Europe or North America—yet in many countries in Eastern Europe, mobile is the most popular media channel. The bottom line: This region is ripe for marketing innovation, and there is plenty of room to experiment, even on small budgets.  ¦Ã‚ ¦ Western  ¦Ã‚ ¦ Historically, Eastern markets, such as those in Asia-Paci? c and Latin America, continue to claim an ever-increasing share of global ad spending. This transition has accelerated as growth in many Western economies has faltered. A number of advertisers are shifting their focus to countries with expanding populations and rising levels of consumption. advertising will remain a star performer. In most mature markets, growth in online ad spending outpaced all other platforms in 2010. In a few less developed countries, however, web penetration remains low and internet advertising is still embryonic. Where this scenario coexists with national economic dif? culties, many advertisers will be tempted to stick with traditional media in the short term. devices are transforming the media landscape in every corner of the world. But mobile usage patterns can vary widely, even within a single region. Marketers should be alert to the gender balance in mobile audiences, for example. Similarly, the link between af? uence and smartphone or mobile web adoption seen in many Western nations is not always a foregone conclusion in other regions. The Global Media Intelligence Report  ¦Ã‚ ¦ Digital  ¦Ã‚ ¦ Like  ¦Ã‚ ¦ Mobile Eastern Europe, Latin America registered rather low internet penetration in 2010, but reasonably high levels of mobile use. Unlike Europe, the region has an exploding population and an advertising sector growing at more than double the worldwide average rate.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Soul Surfer Main Character

I ask you this; if given the chose, would you choose faith over fear? Love over hate? Triumph over failure? Extraordinary over average? Bethany Hamilton, just thirteen at the time, lost her left arm when a fourteen-foot tiger shark ripped it off while she was surfing with friends in Hawaii.Soul Surfer, the inspirational tale brings us into Hamilton’s life and recovery process after the attack. With nothing but positive messages about going against all odds and overcoming the toughest of obstacles, an enticingly unique storyline, and captivating characters; Soul Surfer is a must watch. This film has many positive lessons to be taken to heart throughout the film. However, the strongest messages are that with a bit of perspective and the support of our friends and family. You can make it through the worst of tragedies. Our family and friends are often our support system. With them, anything becomes possible.Tom Hamilton, Bethany’s father (played by Dennis Quaid) tells Beth any when she is ready to quit surfing after the attack; â€Å"That shark didn’t kill you, you are still here, still alive, with a family who loves you†. Bethany may have lost an arm, but that is not to say she has lost everything. Throughout this uphill battle, Bethany has her friends and family there for her to help her get back on the board with confidence and to turn surfing back into the joyful hobby she initially fell in love with.Similarly, perspective is everything. It is our outlook on life and how we are able to see and eventually come to terms with life’s simplest and toughest decisions. During one of the towns youth nights, Sarah Hill, the youth group’s pastor (played by Carrie Underwood) says â€Å"It can be hard to make sense of things when you are looking at them really close. The same is true in life, so if you are ever dealing with anything that is just too hard to handle, or does not seem to make much sense, get a new perspective.† After the attack Bethany struggles in finding a reason why this has all happened to her. Why she has lost her arm, why she must learn how to do almost everything again, and how this could be gods plan for her.Through the guidance of Sarah’s advice in getting a new perspective, and through her own faith, Bethany was able to come to a positive conclusion. With perspective and support you can make it over the highest bumps in the road. The movie’s enticingly unique story creates an everlasting connection between your own life and to the life of Bethany Hamilton’s. Based on true-life events, this story will inspire you to love yourself, and to be  thankful for all that you have. When director Sean McNama was asked about the challenges of making this movie and he said â€Å"it is about who Bethany really is, and so yeah-there was some give and take on both sides to make it great, but I was like let’s just be true to what she is.†Since Sean was able t o stay so true to whom and what the real Bethany is all about, it makes you really see and have an appreciation for all she has gone through. And furthermore, all the struggles and obstacles she will continue to be faced with throughout the rest of her life. In addition, the special effects of this movie really add on to the overall performance and the reality of the story. AnnaShophia Robb wore a green sleeve on her arm, which was later digitally removed to portray the missing limb. After the shooting of the actual scene took place, the crew would shot a second one without anybody, insuring the background would match with the movie scene.They had to do this for every scene that Bethany was in, therefore for the majority of the movie. This was difficult because they had to do this without wasting precious amounts of time. The main reason being, they were relying on the weather to hold up. All the extra work and attention to detail paid off, because everything looks realistic, and as a viewer you can remain focused on the story and not the obvious Photoshop. When combing a story line based on true-life events and incredible special effects, you are left with a captivating movie.Creating relatable and convincing characters is perhaps the hardest aspect in making films. You may know her from movies such as; Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Race to Witch Mountain, or maybe even from Because of Winn-Dixie. AnnaSophia Robb plays the main character of Bethany Hamilton. The character of Bethany is a strong one to say the very least. With her persistence and confidence, she outshines all the other characters, making her relatable. One of the most memorable quotes in this move is said by the character herself, â€Å"I do not need easy, I just need possible.† (4) What makes this role so strong is throughout the entire film, you embark on this journey and you wait on Bethany’s character to breakdown, quit, or to lose faith in everything. But she never does .She shows us her strength, determination and will to find the positive outcomes in all tragic things. Although the character of Bethany Hamilton is extraordinary, Soul Surfer has at least two memorable characters. You may know her from her victory on the fourth season of American Idol, or the story of a small town  Oklahoma girl turns platinum recording artist; Carrie Underwood makes her acting debut, playing the inspirational role of the youth group’s pastor-Sarah Hill. Carrie shows that she has the ability to light up a big screen in her movie debut, but it is the character she plays that makes the movie as moving as it is. Sarah Hill tells Bethany â€Å"I do not know why terrible things happen to us sometimes, but I have to believe something good is going to come out of this.†This inspires Bethany to get back into the water, and to not lose faith in not only herself and her abilities, but also not lose faith in God and the role he plays in her life. Sarah’ s compassion and Christian beliefs make this movie inspiring, relatable, and moving. Sarah’s character demonstrates a strong Christian belief which remains true to the life of the real Bethany Hamilton; by still having a huge significance to the story, Sarah does this without alienating the non-Christian audiences.Over the past ten years, since the tragic accident, Bethany has been blessed with countless opportunities to share her story and her faith with the world, encouraging those who are struggling to overcome difficulties of their own. Through this movie, we celebrate the life of our very own ‘Soul Surfer’. If you enjoy positive messages leaving you with countless Goosebumps, an intriguing story, and phenomenal characters, I highly recommend you to go watch this film.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Environmental Regulations essays

Environmental Regulations essays There are a number of environmental regulations that are considered too costly. It is important to explore if the economics effects of environmental public policy outweigh the costs. There are a number of arguments both for and against environmental regulations and their cost. While those opposed to these regulations offer proof of their beliefs, those who favor the regulations present compelling facts, both economically and environmentally, for their case. The President's Council on Sustainable Development submitted a recommendation in 1996 for environmental policy changes "aimed to empower individuals and institutions to move rapidly along the path toward sustainability. A major step to that goal is outlined in a report that reiterates the council's conviction that the United States' goal must be to become a zero-waste society (Olson)." The report which is entitled "Sustainable American: A New Consensus for Prosperity, Opportunity, and a Healthy Environment for the Future, calls for wide-ranging changes that would fundamentally alter how the United States solves problems (Olson)." The main concept of the report is the "assumption that social, economic, and environmental problems are inescapably intertwined and must be solved Companies such as the computer chip manufacturer, Intel, are adopting "eco-efficient manufacturing principles which involve redesigning industrial processes to mimic natural ecosystems' recycling of energy and natural resources (Olson)." These companies have found these methods provide economic benefits, while at the same time preserving the Environmental regulations may be deemed costly by opponents, however those in favor have offered scientific and economic proof these regulations are beneficial. These proponents are able to protect the environment as ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Great Writing is a Goal, Not a Destination

Great Writing is a Goal, Not a Destination One of my favorite short poems is â€Å"Now We Are Six† But now I am six, I’m as clever as clever. So I think I’ll be six now and forever. It makes everyone smile because all adults know that the boy may be as clever as clever in his own eyes, but he has barely started his journey. Now those words make me smile for another reason. I recognize that feeling. It is the same feeling I had when I held the proof copy of my first novel in my hands. Now I am an author, as clever as clever. And I will write novels now and forever. It was a moment of hubris, embarrassing in retrospect, but powerful at the time. Ask any writer about his or her first novel- not the first published novel, but the first novel (s)he ever wrote. I’m sure most of them will laugh and say little more. The novel that gave me my moment of triumph was not the first novel I wrote, but the first one that went out into the world. My moment of triumph lasted for several days until one of my best friends called to tell me what a great book it was†¦and to point out that I was really fond of run-on sentences. That let the air out of my balloon. That was many years ago, and I have since consumed many books, blogs, courses, and workshops about writing. I continue to write, and deep inside I think every book is better than the ones before it. Whether or not my books are better, I will continue to learn and sharpen my craft. I no longer think I’m as clever as clever, but I’m working on it.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Word Count and Book Length

Word Count and Book Length Word Count and Book Length Word Count and Book Length By Maeve Maddox A novelist of my acquaintance insists that the only way to estimate the number of words in a book is to multiply the number of pages by 250. That was the formula in the good old days when Courier was the only typeface and typewriters were King. Now we have computers and word processing software. Its no longer necessary to estimate according to the 250-words-per-page formula. All we have to do is use the WP tool that shows Word Count. Publishers want to know the overall length of your book. An approximate word count (round numbers) based on what your WP tells you enables them to estimate costs and other factors involved in printing a book. Novels for adult readers fall between 80,000 and 120,000 words. A novel of 50,000 would be the absolute minimum for some genres and, unless you are Ken Follett or some other established author, you should view 100,000 as the maximum. (Yes, exceptions for a first novel can be found, but writers who depend upon being The Exception are handicapping themselves unnecessarily.) Every genre has its own length preferences. Novels intended for the adult market will be longer than those targeted at children and young adults. A young adult novel will run between 20,000 and 40,000 words. In terms of adult mainstream fiction, that length would be considered a novella. TIP: Dont compose your novel with skinny margins, single-spacing and some off-the-wall font and then make formatting changes when youre ready to market the completed manuscript. Draft your novel in standard format from the start: 12-point Times Roman or 12-point Courier. Double-spacing Margins set to 1-inch all round Indented paragraphs NOTE: Dont put extra spacing between paragraphs unless your intention is to indicate a shift of viewpoint or passage of time. When you are ready to approach an agent or a publisher, study their guidelines carefully and submit your work exactly according to their preferences. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Freelance Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:25 Subordinating ConjunctionsList of 50 Great Word Games for Kids and AdultsBail Out vs. Bale Out

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Johnnie walker Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Johnnie walker - Essay Example It can be firmly admitted that the brand has been serving not only as the symbol of progress but its logo â€Å"Striding?Man† and its slogan â€Å"Keep?Walking†?has also been viewed to be a supporter of progress as well as analogous to great achievement. The creation of brand actually was the idea of John Walker who was born in Scotland at Todriggs Farm in Ayrshire in the year 1805. Since its incorporation, Johnnie Walker has been able to establish itself as the world’s most prominent Scotch whisky brand (Association of Canadian Advertisers, 2011). Correspondingly, this paper intends to conduct the SWOT analysis of Johnnie Walker and further attempts to identify the inherent problems to its strategic behaviour in order to draw derive rational solutions for the identified issues. SWOT (Acronym: Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat) Analysis Strengths According to Corporate Watch UK (2005), Johnnie Walker is the world’s leading spirit brand. Reportedl y, Johnnie Walker is considered as the most valuable and respected global brand. The legacy and heritage connected with the brand can be reflected as one of its major strengths. Taking virtues of its legacy and strong brand promotion, the brand has been able to continuously build is brand equity globally. At the same time, it has been able to generate substantial revenue across the global market. One of the potential strengths of the brand can thus be attributed to increasing demand for its products such as The Gold Reserve and Blue Label, which are perceived to be the most popular in all its market of operation. Another major strength is accredited to its attention given to all the class of the people. The brand offers products to not only premium customers, but it also focuses on middle-income customers who have the increasing desire for premium spirit. Notably, not only the men but women in the Asian country are also attracted towards experiencing the value offered by Johnnie Wal ker to its discriminating consumers. Furthermore, its revolutionary advertising strategies have proven to be much effective and unique from competitors existing in the same market of its operations adding to its brand differentiation strategies. Evidently, by offering wide range of product categories at various price points along with high product quality, it has been able to attract both younger and older consumers. Nonetheless, its innovative advertising campaign has proven to be milestone for the brand to retain its customers and simultaneously, attain tremendous growth in all the markets of its operations (Mongay & et. al., 2012). Weaknesses One of the potential weaknesses associated with the brand can be attributed with its nature of business. Correspondingly, the brand primarily deals with alcoholic products, which is considered to have serious impacts on the health of its consumers and therefore raises a certain degree of moral weakness for the company. Although, it claims to produce Scotch whisky at reasonable price that can be consumed by middle-income consumers, but it is generally involved in manufacturing premium products that may adversely influence the purchasing decision of the middle-income people also causing sustainability issues for the company. At the same time, increasing cost of production can also be viewed as the potential wea

The death of woman Wang Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The death of woman Wang - Essay Example There were also published texts in 1673, 1763, and 1810 on the local history of the county (Cass and Spence 550). Additionally, Spence utilizes P’u Sung-ling’s text entitled â€Å"Strange Stories from the Liao Studio† in creative and unconventional ways. The data are all used to depict common superstitions and values and to draw the picture of â€Å"loneliness, sensuality, and dreams† (Spence xiv). The first part, â€Å"The Observers,† talks about the catastrophes that struck the region, focusing on the earthquake in 1668 that wiped out a big part of the population. Additionally, people were stricken with the White Lotus revolt in 1622, plagues in 1640, Machu invasion in 1643, coupled with famine, floods, and raids in the 1650s. In a matter of fifty years, the region’s population of 200,000 dropped to merely 60,000. It is obvious here that the T’an-ch’eng people faced survival crisis, misery, and demoralization during that perio d. Suicide was so common that a proclamation has to be issued to dissuade it. In Huang’s text, he mentions that when he was serving in T’an-ch’eng, he observed that people view themselves worthless due to the poverty, hunger, and several other sufferings they go through. He added that people then do not have any idea of a happy life and the joys of living (Spence 14). The moral situation of the people hit an all-time low, causing conflicts to erupt within the family units, breaking down of social orders, and abandonment of moral restraints (Cass and Spence 551).... The second part, â€Å"The Land,† explores the situation of the tax payments, quotas, and labor system. As the population fell, these established systems became more burdensome for the people, particularly the quota system. Registered lands dropped, showing the abuses in tax collections and the measures used by land owners to avoid paying the exorbitant taxes. Obviously, the established system in the land pushes the poor people more into poverty, giving them lesser and lesser hope --- which was not much to start with --- to be alleviated from their circumstances (Entenmann and Spence 269-70). The third part, â€Å"The Widow,† begins to explore the situation of the women in that region during that time. Historically, China’s view on women has been that of oppression, and they are merely treated with respect if they follow the conventional societal rules on the roles of women in the society (Cass and Spence 550). Spence here describes the burdens placed on widows, particularly by the legal code discouraging remarriage after the husband’s death. Remarriage would cause the widow to lose any inheritance from the husband to the husband’s family. However, instead of achieving the desired effect of proving the wife’s loyalty to the late husband, it merely prompted the husband’s family to put pressure on the widow to remarry. Spence however relates the story of a woman who resisted this pressure, which unfortunately resulted in the murder of her only son by her late husband’s family. The murdered was punished, but a part of the late husband’s family became the widow’s heir (Entenmann and Spence 270). In the fourth part, â€Å"The Feud,† Spence talks about a local family who runs a group of

Friday, October 18, 2019

The session of learning the digital content Essay

The session of learning the digital content - Essay Example The best part of this class was that I got to learn the usage of Google docs with the coworkers and students. Part of the studies also contained the lessons regarding proper usage of software like Skype and PBLs/Podcasting. I was provided with the strong basic and essential knowledge about the strengths and weakness of this software. We learnt their everyday application, in both personal and professional contexts. This learning, particularly, proved to be very beneficial for us as we had to use such parts of the information system for our routine communications as well. Then, the studying and understanding regarding the use of content specific software and screen capturing through Voki opened our minds to the entirely new world of IT advantages and benefits. With each passing session, I kept on learning more and more about the computer sciences which have been introduced for the ease and benefits of the mankind. Learning Wikis was also a major part of our course during the semester. We learnt the application and benefits of all the elements of Wikis and had also developed an extensive lesson plan on it. Using Wiki spaces opened another broader era of knowledge for our minds through the course of computer sciences. We prepared lesson plans by including the application, which was extremely content specific and collaborative in every aspect. This lesson plan was made at the end of many sessions and classes and it served the purpose of depicting our understanding of the content that we were taught in the class.

Corporate finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

Corporate finance - Essay Example What is however important to note that these crises were largely unanticipated as they emerged due to the subprime mortgages which form a very little percentage of the overall activity that take place in the financial markets. This therefore raises the question of how many investors actually mispriced the risk that has to be included into the pricing of the securities given the fact that market participants always form rational expectations about the future equilibrium prices. Rational Expectations theory forms the basis of some of the most important macroeconomic models in recent times. The formation of the efficient market hypothesis is also one of the macroeconomic models which utilizes the rational expectations theory and assert that market participants always form rational expectations about the future equilibrium prices. Thus it is useless in predicting the future financial crises as the market participants already discount such future information into their risk calculations.(Hui & Lui, 2002). However, despite such theoretical assumptions, the current global financial crises were more of a shock for most of the participants as they emerged out of blue and affected almost every market on the earth. This paper will attempt to discuss the question of predicting the future financial crises in the light of efficient market hypothesis and rational expectations and will attempt to answer the question by considering the current global financial crises. The current financial crises has slowed down the pact of economic growth in many countries including US and UK and many governments have to inject money in order to save their financial systems from complete collapse. These financial crises apparently emerged due to the imprudent banking practices and resulting lending into the subprime mortgage sector. Over the period of time, the competition for banks became stronger and banks, thanks to de-regulation, were allowed to engage themselves into practices which

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Regression Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Regression - Research Paper Example I retrieved my data from STATS Indiana. Three or four decades ago, cars in the United States were bought out of only necessity. People used to purchase cars not for laxity, but due to various factors such as for convenience purposes. In the last two decades, however, the world in general has moved on from this kind of situation. People no longer buy cars out of necessity, but rather, people buy cars for luxurious reasons. The United States, and Marion County in the state of Indiana to be specific, is no different. Motor vehicles of different models are purchased round the clock, for many reasons other than necessity (Riley 1). The automobile industry in Marion County is one of the most active among all industries within the county. In the recent years, the number of motor vehicles operating on the road has been going up steadily. There are various factors that contribute to this upward trend. The factors influencing the above trend may be well discussed if grouped into various categories. First and foremost, population is the most influencer of the rate at which cars are bought. In this paper, the population is considered both for the local and immigrants. The other factor is age. Age, in Marion County, is a major determinant of car ownership. Employment is another factor which highly determines the general purchasing power of the population. This paper, therefore, examines each and every of these contributing or influencing factors, determining how each one contributes, negatively or positively, to the selling and purchasing trends in the motor vehicle industry. In every business industry, there are market forces that determine the rate at which the goods and/or services in that particular industry are sold or purchased. These market forces are demand and supply. These are the only determinants of sales and purchases in any particular industry in any particular country. The market forces

Full Quantitative Critique (Sucrose Decreases Infant Biohavioral Pain Essay

Full Quantitative Critique (Sucrose Decreases Infant Biohavioral Pain Response to Immunizations) - Essay Example Some of the research studies used in the literature review is not current; some are over 5 years old. They are appropriate researches which are very much related to the effect of sucrose on pain responses of infants. They are logically organized from studies on pain response in infants, immunizations, sucrose and then other relevant researches vital to the topic. They are also primary sources. The research design is randomized, prospective, and is a clinical trial. This method studied the research subjects in a much more specific and controlled set-up, and helped answer the research question accurately. Threats to validity are addressed through the randomized process of choosing subjects for the paper. There is enough data given in order to replicate this research. The gate-control theory of pain was used for this research. It fits this research because it helps explain the perception of pain in infants, the pain response, and the body’s reaction to pain. The subject selection for this research is random sampling, which is appropriate because it gives every member of the population a chance to be part of the research. The study also explains how subjects and the sample population were chosen for this research. The data gathering methods were well-explained in the research. The author described how each sample would be chosen. The process of data collection from each research subject was also described specifically in the research. Pain scales were used to measure the results. Measures of variance were repeated in order to verify results. The methods used are very much appropriate for this research because they produced measurable results. This research made use of the Statistical Analysis Systems in order to analyze behavioral response to pain. Descriptive analysis through measures of variance was used in order to compare the control and treatment groups. The methods chosen were able to answer the research question in

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Regression Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Regression - Research Paper Example I retrieved my data from STATS Indiana. Three or four decades ago, cars in the United States were bought out of only necessity. People used to purchase cars not for laxity, but due to various factors such as for convenience purposes. In the last two decades, however, the world in general has moved on from this kind of situation. People no longer buy cars out of necessity, but rather, people buy cars for luxurious reasons. The United States, and Marion County in the state of Indiana to be specific, is no different. Motor vehicles of different models are purchased round the clock, for many reasons other than necessity (Riley 1). The automobile industry in Marion County is one of the most active among all industries within the county. In the recent years, the number of motor vehicles operating on the road has been going up steadily. There are various factors that contribute to this upward trend. The factors influencing the above trend may be well discussed if grouped into various categories. First and foremost, population is the most influencer of the rate at which cars are bought. In this paper, the population is considered both for the local and immigrants. The other factor is age. Age, in Marion County, is a major determinant of car ownership. Employment is another factor which highly determines the general purchasing power of the population. This paper, therefore, examines each and every of these contributing or influencing factors, determining how each one contributes, negatively or positively, to the selling and purchasing trends in the motor vehicle industry. In every business industry, there are market forces that determine the rate at which the goods and/or services in that particular industry are sold or purchased. These market forces are demand and supply. These are the only determinants of sales and purchases in any particular industry in any particular country. The market forces

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Chinese video gaming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Chinese video gaming - Essay Example It is obvious that this independence has definitely led to positive results for the country’s development. However, there are certain other aspects of the Chinese gaming industry that come to the fore on a closer analysis. The industry does not only have a positive side to it, there are also some negatives and drawbacks that can be seen. This is mainly in terms of the strict â€Å"state censorship† that the imported games pass through before reaching the markets of China (Wolf 108). Due to the various strict ideals of the government of China, it is not easy for foreign games to be sold in the markets. The content of every game is thoroughly checked and those found inappropriate are either deleted from the games, or the game is banned altogether. The gamers, however, are not satisfied with the new version of the games and, therefore, they resort to pirated full versions of the game. The gamers fail to understand that the real objective behind this censorship is to  "promote domestically made games,† in order to â€Å"protect the Chinese market† (Wolf 108). Studies have proved that the online games in China are now the â€Å"mainstream form of game consumption† and that the â€Å"market share of imported games† is on the decline (Wolf 109). This is significantly so because the broadband development in the country has been increasing considerably and due to the fact that China has not turned into the â€Å"second biggest internet market† on the face of earth (Chung). Piracy in China is a major problem and it has created conflicts with â€Å"game manufacturers in Japan and United States,† putting the membership of China in the â€Å"global gaming community† into jeopardy (Wolf 109). The game manufacturers are forced to produce online games and are reluctant to... With the massive advances in technology, man has transformed the impossible into the reality. Almost all fields have reached greater heights with the constant innovations in technology. This is especially so in the case of the entertainment field, including various industries such as movies, music, dance, gaming etc. The modern technologies in video gaming have taken entertainment to the next level through the creation of interactive user interfaces. For example, there are a lot of motion sensitive games that have become highly popular among the modern generation. These games are designed in such a way that the game processor detects the movements of the human body and replicates those movements into the respective characters of the game. These types of games are popular throughout the world and the gaming industries of different countries, seeing the potential of this sphere, plan to work hard towards tapping this niche much more. One such country that has recognized the significance of this field is China and its gaming industry, which is now â€Å"one of the fastest growing interactive entertainment† industries worldwide. Piracy in China is a major problem and it has created conflicts with â€Å"game manufacturers in Japan and United States,† putting the membership of China in the â€Å"global gaming community† into jeopardy. The game manufacturers are forced to produce online games and are reluctant to manufacture other games due to fear of piracy. Thus, the Chinese government needs to implement laws and devise ways in which it can get rid of piracy once and for all. The gaming industry in China is greatly influenced by â€Å"South Korea and the United States† and, therefore, it does import games from these countries in addition to Japan

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Secret of Finding Meaning in Life Essay Example for Free

The Secret of Finding Meaning in Life Essay Is there such thing as secret of finding meaning in life? That might some what answers me base on certain articles that I just read and as well as the video that amazed me while viewing. This first article defines life and it’s meaning which is â€Å"Meaning in Life [live the life that you want]† by Albert S. Wang, written on November 19, 1997. This article, questions you if you are really contented and happy of what you have and if this is really the life that you wanted. It is said in here that to be able to live a life that you want and to put a meaning on it; you must first know yourself from within because this makes you know of who you are, second is know where you want to go for it gives you direction in finding your happiness. These things are beginning of having a meaningful life. To find the meaning of your life, you must find it with action not just by waiting for it to come and you can also find this meaning in life not just in distant place but mostly it is found near you. Putting a meaning in your life is all about the choices and decisions that you made on where you want to go. Just live your will and you’ll see that each day you will grow in having a meaningful life. The second article that touches me is entitled â€Å"So What Will Matter?† sent by Leandro G. Cruz and shared by Joe Gatuslao of Bacolod City, Philippines. Its original title is A Life That Matters. This article is so inspiring because it stresses that all that you have got starting from yourself just like beauty, fame, wealth and all other things that you have are just in vain because these things are not forever yours, these are just passing things and you cannot bring these things when you leave earth but what really matters are the thing that you made that others will remember you of your goodness, the things that you gave not just in material aspects but in all, living your life with significance, teaching others and set yourself as an example to them. All of these things are living a life that matters. This third article has an unknown author which entitles â€Å"A Purpose†. The article speaks that all of us who are created by God has a unique and significant purpose. Each of us is given a chance to find our designated purposes but you must wait when the right time comes because God has set it for you at a time when you are equipped and ready. Most of the time you’ll experience the roughness of life but don’t be dismayed because there is always a helping hand that will take care of you, which is God who never leaves you. Just stay at the right path and do good deeds for in the end you will find your own way to the pearly white gate. The next article is the one that I liked most which is â€Å"The Journey of Our Life† shared again by Joe Gatuslao from Bacolod City, Philippines. This article actually tells a story about the Emperor who owned a huge land and he told his horseman that if he could ride on his horse and cover as much land area as he likes, then the Emperor would give him the area of land he has covered. The horseman did not stop riding and whipping the horse because he wanted to cover as much area as possible. Came to a point when he had covered a substantial area and he was exhausted and was dying. Then he asked himself, â€Å"Why did I push myself so hard to cover so much land area? Now I am dying and I only need a very small area to bury myself.† This story is really similar with the journey of our life because most of us are always striving for richness, properties, possessions, power etc. So we work harder and harder until we come to realized that all of these things are not necessary for living a happy and meaningful life; we must balance our way of living so that we could not missed something in life that might happen once. The next thing that I am going to share is all about the video clip that I watched; it’s about an old woman at the age of 47 and her name is Susan Boyle who joined in a certain show that searches for extraordinary talents namely Britain’s Got Talent. During her performance, a big shock was made by Susan because at the beginning when she first introduced herself, everybody was against her like they are judging Susan of joining the show where she looks like so ordinary and nothing to show up but when she start on singing all where stunned by her angelic voice and they gave her a standing ovation but most importantly the three big yes from the strict juries. This gives us an insight that we must not judge the person’s appearance because you’ll never know what’s the biggest surprise that comes from within. God created us with equal gifts and we must use this as an inspiration to others. This last article is a prayer entitled as â€Å"Mere Possessions†. It’s all about the prayer of a woman who asked a help from the Lord, asking that she might not put much stock in possessions because things don’t last and you cannot bring all of these things when you leave earth. That we come into the world with nothing, we leave with nothing. Having a meaningful life is about your choices and decisions that were made; just make sure you have chosen the right path because if you do then you’ll end walking along the pearly white gate and that is the fulfillment of having a meaningful life. There is really no such thing as a secret of finding a meaning in life; it’s just you who will make it meaningful by doing what is right and just; live happy and be happy all the time because life is just too short, you might missed something so let’s make the most of it.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Calculations Without Brake Booster Engineering Essay

Calculations Without Brake Booster Engineering Essay The purpose of this written assessment is to show that we understand how the braking system works in an automotive vehicle. We should be able to show a range of specialized technical skills which involve a wide choice of standard and non standard procedures. I will also show you a broad knowledge base with substantial depth in some areas of the braking system. Here in this assignment I will also cover the determination of appropriate methods and procedures in response to a range of concrete problems with some theoretical elements and apply it in self directed and sometimes directive activity, within broad general guidelines. By the end of this assessment I will have a wide understanding of how the braking design and braking system work within the automotive vehicle. A brake is a device for slowing or stopping the motion of a vehicle or a machine, and to make sure that it stops moving. The kinetic energy lost by the moving part is usually translated to heat by friction. Alternatively, in regenerative braking, the energy is recovered and stored in a flywheel, capacitor or other device for later use. Brakes of some description are fitted to most wheeled vehicles, including automotive vehicles of all kinds, trains, motor bikes, and normal pedal bikes. The kinetic possessed by a vehicle at any one time into heat energy are by means of friction. The equations for kinetic energy, that is the energy of motion may be given by: The disc brake is a device for slowing or stopping the rotation of a wheel on a vehicle. A braking disc or commonly known as a rotor, is usually made up of steel and other metallic compounds, is connected to the wheel or the axle. To stop the wheel, the braking pads which are normally mounted in a device called a brake caliper, which is then squeezed mechanically or hydraulically against the disc on both sides. Friction causes the disc and attached wheel to slow down and stop according to the driver. A drum brake is a brake in which the friction is caused by a set of shoes or pads that press against the inner surface of a rotating drum. The drum is connected to a rotating wheel. The modern automotive vehicle drum brake was invented in 1902 by Louis Renault. In the first drum brakes, the shoes were mechanically operated with levers and rods or cables. From the mid 1930s the shoes were operated with oil pressure in a small wheel cylinder and pistons, though some vehicles continued with purely-mechanical systems for decades. Some designs have two wheel cylinders. Experiments with disc-style brakes began in England in the 1980s the first ever automobile disc brakes were patented by Frederick William Lanchester in his factory in 1902, though it took another half century for his innovation to be widely adopted. The first designs resembling modern disc brakes began to appear in Britain in the late 1940s and early 1950s. They offered much greater stopping performance than comparable drum brakes, including much greater resistance to brake fade this is caused by the overheating of brake components, and were unaffected by immersion which is drum brakes were ineffective for some time after a water crossing, an important factor in off-road vehicles. Disc brakes are also more reliable than drum brakes due to the simplicity of their mechanics, the low number of parts compared to the drum brake, and ease of adjustment. Disc brakes were most popular on sports car when they were first introduced, since these vehicles are more demanding about brake performance. Many early implementations located the brake disc inboard, near the differential, but most discs today are located inside the wheels. An inboard location reduces the un-sprung weight and eliminates a source of heat transfer to the tires, important in formula one racing. Discs have now become standard in most passenger vehicles, though some retain the use of drum brakes on the rear wheels to keep costs and weight down as well as to simplify the provisions for a parking brake or emergency brake. As the front brakes perform most of the braking effort, this can be a reasonable compromise. Mechanism A single piston, floating caliper system. Pressurized brake fluid travels along the brake line to the caliper. The pressurized fluid pushes the piston (green) and inner brake pad against the disc which is normally blue. Pressure against the disc pushes the caliper away from the piston, pulling the outer brake pad against the disc. As the brake pads clamp together, friction slows the rotation of the disc and wheel. Brake Pads The world of Automotive Brakes can be quite overwhelming. The first task in choosing Automobile Brakes is making sure that you have the Automotive Brakes and parts that are application specific to your vehicle whether it be a car, truck, van or whether the Automotive Brakes are to be installed on a two year old sedan or a rare classic. There is more to Automotive Brakes than parts that fit. Automotive Brakes also have to be right for the vehicles actual use. For example, Automotive Brakes required for off road or stop and go city delivery driving can be quite different than Automotive Brakes that are suited for ordinary family driving, even though all these brakes fit the job. Its a matter of finding the right Automotive Brakes for your application. Brake Pads Brake Booster Unless youre a professional athlete with tree trunks for legs, be grateful that your car has a brake booster nestled between the brake master cylinder and firewall on your car. Your brake booster doesnt make any noise, and it doesnt use any electricity or gasoline, but it ensures that you can stop your car with only a light touch of the brake pedal. Things werent always like that, Before the invention of the vacuum brake booster, cars still stopped. Its just that you had to really stomp on the brake pedal. The modern brake booster is an good device that operates using something that your engine generates whenever its running, Vacuum. The brake booster takes engine vacuum via a rubber hose that runs from the intake manifold, and the brake booster uses that vacuum to amplify the pressure you put on the pedal. A light application of the brakes is translated by the brake booster into significantly more pressure on the brake master cylinder, ensuring that your car stops quickly. So what happens to the brake booster if your car stalls, resulting in a loss of engine vacuum? Early designers realized that gas engines were hardly foolproof, so they designed a little check valve into the brake booster circuit. The brake booster stores enough vacuum to provide full boost for two or three pedal applications even after the engine dies. The check valve on the brake booster is what keeps that vacuum from leaking out. And speaking of leaks, thats the reason most brake booster units have to be replaced. As your brake booster ages, the rubber seals and diaphragms that hold the vacuum tend to wear out and crack. Brake Booster Calculations without brake booster for 1 pot caliper: Data: Force applied: 80N Length of brake pedal: 340mm Pedal movement: 46mm Diameter of master cylinder: 26mm Piston spring pretension: 15N Piston spring rate: 8N/mm Wheel diameter: 0.30/ 250mm Caliper piston: 46mm Pedal ratio= Length of pedal Pivot of brake booster = 340mm 60mm = 5.666 Movement = Pedal movement Pedal ratio = 46mm 5.66 = 8.127 Drivers applied force = Applied force x pedal ratio = 80n x 5.66 = 452.8N Piston force = (Pretension force + Rate of spring x movement of piston) = 452.8N (15n + 8N/m x8.127) = 452.8N 80.016 = 372.784 N Pressure = Force Area of piston = 372.784 N 0.25TT D2 = 372.784 N 0.25TT (26 x 10 -3) 2 = or 0.70 Mpa Caliper force = Pressure x Area = 7021.35 Pa x 0.25 TT (46 x 10-3)2 =1270.55 Transmitted force = Caliper force x Co- efficient of friction x number of pads = 1270.55N x 0.35 x 2 = 8893.85 N Torque = Transmitted force x Effective Radius = 8893.85 N x 0.30 m = 266.79 N Brake Caliper The brake caliper, a key component of your cars brake system, operates just like a small hydraulic clamp designed to grip the brake rotor and bring your car to a halt. If youve ever seen or worked on a brake caliper, you know what were talking about. The brake caliper is a U-shaped device with a piston or pistons on one or both sides of the U. The brake pads ride on top of the brake caliper pistons, and the rotor spins in the channel of the U. When you hit the brakes, high-pressure fluid is channeled from the master cylinder down to the brake caliper where it pushes the piston or pistons inward. That brake caliper action moves the pads against the spinning brake rotor, and the friction stops your vehicle. Since the brake caliper is affixed to your vehicle frame and the rotor is spinning and hundreds of RPM, its easy to imagine the massive forces that the brake caliper has to absorb. Much of the heat energy is dissipated by the rotor and pads which is why theyre replaced the most, but the pulling and twisting forces the brake caliper has to endure require that it be extremely strong. More than anything else, though, its the hydraulic brake fluid that leads to the demise of a brake caliper. If its not changed often enough, moisture in the fluid will begin to rust out the inside of your brake caliper, resulting in leaks and sticking pistons. Eventually the brake caliper will cease to function altogether, it will effect your cars stopping ability. Calipers The brake caliper is the assembly which houses the brake pads and pistons. The pistons are usually made of aluminum or chrome plated iron There are two types of calipers: floating or fixed. A fixed caliper does not move relative to the disc. It uses one or more pairs of pistons to clamp from each side of the disc, and is more complex and expensive than a floating caliper. A floating caliper (also called a sliding caliper) moves with respect to the disc; a piston on one side of the disc pushes the inner brake pad till it makes contact with the braking surface, then pulls the caliper body with the outer brake pad so pressure is applied to both sides of the disc. Floating caliper (single piston) designs are subject to failure due to sticking. This can occur due to dirt or corrosion if the vehicle is not operated. This can cause the pad attached to the caliper to rub on the disk when the brake is released. This can reduce fuel mileage and cause excessive wear on the effected pad. Brake caliper In a vehicle the brake pedal in 360mm and the booster is connected 50mm from the pivot. The booster diaphragm is 220mm with the valve body of 52mm diameter the diaphragm return spring has a pretension force of 80N and rate of 12N/mm. The engine manifold pressure of 36Kpa and ambient pressure is 90Kpa. The master cylinder diameter is 26mm and return spring retention force is 15N and a rate of 8N/mm. the caster piston in 46mm and the co-efficient of friction between the 2 pads and the 250mm effective diameter disc are 0.30. The wheel diameter is 625 mm. fluids the tractive braking forces if the driver applied force of 80N and his fast moves 46mm. Data: Force applied: 80N Length of brake pedal: 340mm Pedal movement: 46mm Pivot of brake booster: 50mm Diaphragm diameter: 220mm Valve body diameter: 52mm Spring rate: 80N Pre-tension of diaphragm spring: 12N/m Ambient pressure: 90kpa Engine manifold pressure: 36kpa Diameter of master cylinder: 26mm Piston spring pretension: 15N Piston spring rate: 8N/mm Wheel diameter: 625mm Efficient Disc diameter: 0.30/ 250mm Caliper piston: 46mm Calculations with brake booster for 1 port caliper: Pedal ratio = Length of pedal__ Pivot of brake booster = 340mm_ 50mm = Movement = _Pedal movement Pedal ratio = _46mm_ 7.2 = 6.38 Diaphragm Pressure = Ambient pressure Manifold pressure = 90Kpa 36Kpa = 54Kpa Diaphragm Area = Total area -Area of valve body = 0.25TT (220X10-3)2 0.25TT (54X10-3) 2 = 35.72 x 10-3 Force of Diaphragm = Pressure x Area = 54Kpa x 10-3 x 35.72 x 10-3 = 1928.88 Nm Booster output force= Diaphragm force (spring pre-tension + rate of spring x movement of piston) = 1928.88 Nm (80N + 12N/m x 6.83) = 1928.88 Nm 156.56 = 1772.32 Nm Driver applied force = Applied force x pedal ratio + Booster output = 80N x 7.2+ 1772.32 Nm = 2348.32 N Piston force = Booster force (Pretension force + Rate of spring x movement of piston) = 2348.32 N (15N +8N/m x 6.38) = 2348.32 N 66.04 = 2282.28N Pressure = ____Force___ Area of piston = 2282.28N 0.25 TT D2 = 2282.28N 0.25TT (26 x 10-3)2 = 42986.52 Pa or 4.29 Mpa Caliper force = Pressure x Area = 42986.52 Pa x 0.25TT (46 X10-3)2 = 7143.94N Transmitted force = Caliper force x Co-efficient of friction x Number of pads = 7143.94N x 0.35 x 2 = 5000.758N Torque = Transmitted force x Effective radius = 5000.758N x 0.125m = 625.094Nm Tractive = Torque (Braking) Radius of wheel = 625.094Nm 0.35m = 1785.985N Difference between Tractive with without brake booster Tractive different = Tractive with brake booster Tractive without brake booster = 1785.985N 226.79N In the previous calculations it just goes to show you how useful the brake booster application is in todays modern vehicle, because if it wasnt we would have to apply a major amount of pressure to the brake pedal, the brake booster wasnt really put to its application till the early 1950s, but in this modern day and age there are more technical designs which involve a use of 2 and 4 pot calipers this design isnt just to make the brake system look better but it also increases the tractive braking force The design of the brake discs and caliper varies. Some are simply solid steel and some are made up of carbon fibers, but others are hollowed out with fins joining together the discs two contact surfaces usually included as part of a casting process. This ventilated disc design helps to dissipate the generated heat. Many motor bikes and sport car brakes instead have many small holes drilled through them for the same purpose. Additionally, the holes aid the pads in wiping water from the braking surface. Other designs include slots shallow channels machined into the disc to aid in removing used brake material from the brake pads. Slotted discs are generally not used on road cars because they quickly wear down brake pads. However this removal of material is beneficial to race cars since it keeps the pads soft and avoids verification of their surfaces. Some discs are both drilled and slotted. Pistons cylinders The most common caliper design uses a single hydraulically actuated piston within a cylinder, although high performance brakes use as many as 8. Modern cars use different hydraulic circuits to actuate the brakes on each set of wheels as a safety measure. The hydraulic design also helps multiply braking force. Failure can occur due to failure of the piston to retract this is usually a consequence of not operating the vehicle during a time that it is stored outdoors in adverse conditions. For high mileage vehicles the piston seals may leak, which must be promptly corrected. Parking brakes Most vehicles include a mechanical parking brake system also called an emergency brake which operates on the rear wheels. These systems are very effective with drum brakes, since these tend to lock. The adoption of rear-wheel disc brakes caused concern that a disc-based parking brake would not effectively hold a vehicle on an incline. Today, most cars use the disc for parking, though some still rely on separate drums. An emergency brake is a braking system that is generally only to be used in emergency situations to slow or stop a machine. The most well known emergency brakes are those in trains and automotive vehicles. Many people shorten emergency and call the devices e-brakes. Additionally, in the automotive side, they are also known as parking brakes and hand brakes. In cars, the emergency brake is a supplementary system that can be used if the vehicles primary brake system has a failure. Automobile e-brakes usually consist of a cable directly connected to the brake mechanism on one end and to some type of lever that can be actuated by the driver on the other end. DATA: Forced applied: 80N Length of brake pedal: 360mm Pedal movement: 46mm Pivot of brake booster: 50mm Diaphragm diameter: 220mm Valve body diameter: 52mm Spring rate: 80 N Pre tension of diaphragm spring: 12 N/m Ambient pressure: 90kpa Manifold pressure: 36kpa Diameter of master cylinders: 26mm Piston spring pretension: 15 N Piston spring rate: 8 N/m Wheel Diameter: 625mm Efficient disc diameter: 0.35 / 250mm Calliper piston: 46mm x 2 Calculation with brake booster for two pot callipers: Pedal ratio = Length of pedal Pivot of brake booster =360mm 50mm =7.2 Movement = Pedal movement Pedal ratio =46mm 7.2 = 6.38 Diaphragm pressure = Ambient pressure Manifold pressure = 90Kpa 36Kpa = 54 Kpa Diaphragm Area = Total area Area of valve body = 0.25TT (220 x 10 -3) 2 -0.25TT (54 x 10 -3 ) 2 = 35.72 x 10 -3 Force of diaphragm = Pressure x Area = 54 Kpa x10 -3 x 35.72 x 10 -3 = 1928.88 Nm Booster output force = Diaphragm force (spring pretension + rate of spring movement of piston) =1928.88 Nm ( 80 N + 12 N/m x 6.38) =1928.88 Nm 156.56 = 1772.32 Nm Driver s applied force = Applied force x pedal ratio + booster output = 80 N x 6.38+ 1772.32 Nm = 2348.32 Piston force = Booster force (pretension force = rate of spring x movement of piston) = 2348.32- (15N + 8 N/m x 6.38) = 2348.32- 66.04 = 2282.28N Pressure = Force Area of piston = 2282.28N 0.25TT D2 = 2282.28N 0.25TT (26 x 10-3 )2 = 42986.52 Pa or 4.29mpa Caliper force = Pressure x area x number of pistons = 42986.52 Pa x 0.25TT (46 x 10 3)2 x 2 = 14287.88 N Transmitted force = Caliper Force x Co efficient of friction x number of pads = 14287.88 N x 0.35 x 2 = 10001.51 N Torque = Transmitted force x Effective radius =10001.51 N x 0.125 m = 1250.18 Nm Tractive = Torque Radius of wheel = 1250.18 Nm 0.35m = 3571.97N Tractive = Tractive for 2 pot caliper tractive for 1 pot caliper = 3571.97N 1785.985N = 1785.985N My thoughts After going through and researching all types of brakes and what there application is in todays modern motor vehicles, it showed that there are many uses for different types of brakes, especially when youre driving in different situations and environments, e.g. When driving in the city, you tend to use more of the braking system and when driving in the country you need heavy duty pads. It is essential that we know how the brakes work, and it is important to use the right type of brake pads for each different driving application. Some brakes work well once they are heated up and some work well in the colder conditions. So when we go get our brake pads changed its up to the mechanic to make that call to see what pads should be used for the correct braking situation. This will save damage to the brake disc and stop it from causing further damage to anything else. My concept is to some how get a recording device or some type of sensor that has a memory in which it recalls everything that you have done in regards to the braking system and the brake pads. This will keep a record of your amount of braking you have done and also what type of conditions you have been driving in. So this could tell you that you have been driving in a cold area but doing lots of braking , so when it come to changing these pads you could just unplug the sensor and check and make your own decision upon the type of pads that will suit to your braking application. Advantages of this concept are: The temperature will always be monitored You know exactly when you need to change you brake pads You know how much you are actually using the braking system You know exactly which brake pad is suited for the application No problems of over heating You know if there are any problems in regards to damage of brakes or discs

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Comparing the Flood and Creation in Ovids Metamorphoses and Genesis Es

"Where did man come from? Where did time begin? Who, or what, created all things?" These are questions that mankind has sought to answer from the beginning of existence as it is known today. Many stories and fables have been told and passed down from generation to generation, yet two have survived the test of time and criticism. The Biblical account in Genesis, probably written by Moses around 1500 B.C., and the story of creation and flood in Ovid's Metamorphosis, written somewhere between 8 and 17 A.D., have weathered the criticism and become the most famous. The Genesis account, however, may be the most prominent of the two accounts. Within these accounts, are many similarities, as well as differences, which make these two writings well respected, while holding their own in the literary world. Though both accounts of the creation and flood are well respected on their own, when compared side to side, they are drastically different. Ovid's purpose for writing the creation story is geared more towards explaining creation as it happens, in his opinion, whereas the Bible stresses the fact that the God of the Hebrews is responsible for the world's existence today. Overall, Ovid is very detailed in explaining the formless mass, creation of the earth, waters and land metaphorically. The Biblical account seems to be more plain, simple, and organized; not spending time on intricate detail. There seems to be no specific time frame for creation in Ovid's writing, whereas, the Bible states that it takes God six ... ...mal species. As one can see, when comparing each of the accounts of the flood and creation in Ovid's Metamorphoses and Genesis, there are some very similar actions or events that take place in each of these accounts, while separating themselves a great deal by putting emphasis on very different messages. It is because of these variations in writing and technique that each of these poems have acquired and maintained the respect they truly deserve through many years of evaluation and criticism. Works Cited New American Standard Bible. Nashville, TN: Broadman 1977. Ovid. Metamorphoses. The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces. Ed. Maynard Mack. 5th edition. New York: Norton 1987. 549-560.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Suleiman the Magnificent

The Ottoman Empire was an empire lasting from 1299 to 1923. Osman was leading the small Ottoman Empire in 1299 in western Anatolia and he was slowly extending his settlements away from his Muslim neighbors. It was not allowed for Muslims to kill other Muslims. He had a number of soldiers called the Ghazis who were brave, loyal and fearless. These solders helped Osman tread into unknown land and spread his rule. Osman’s name was becoming more known and after his death, people called him courageous strong and great. This is where the centuries old Turkish saying comes from: â€Å"May he be as good as Osman. † After a few centuries the Ottoman Empire was flourishing, it spanned 3 continents and contained 29 provinces. Suleiman the Magnificent was responsible for the prospering Empire that he ruled from 1520 to his death in 1566. Suleiman uses three main factors to run his empire successfully and cohesively. Suleiman the Magnificent used economic, social and military systems or techniques to develop a cohesive empire across a massive and culturally diverse land. Suleiman the Magnificent had a very culturally accepted land; this benefited the empire a lot since people with different religious backgrounds could live together. The Millet system was made by Sultan Mehmet the Second after he conquered Constantinople in 1453. Mehmet started by instituting the Christian Millets so that Europeans could join the Empire. Millets is what Suleiman used to make sure civilians could live peacefully. The sectors were not defined by ethnical background, rather by religious beliefs. This way a person from any decent could live in a sector without getting discriminated. There were five of these sectors: Muslims, Orthodox Christians, Armenians, Syriac Orthodox and Judaism. Each sector was usually run by a religious hierarch, like a priest. Millets were so effective because they prevented internal fights in the Empire and travelers felt safe. Another strategy that Suleiman used was that he distributed his laws publicly; this is where his nick name comes from â€Å"Suleiman the Lawgiver. † Making sure that there weren’t any civil wars was a big part of being a leader. If an enemy doesn’t strike from outside, an enemy may strike from inside. A civil war can cause many deaths and disrupt the focus of any leader. Suleiman would have to put all of his attention to people fighting inside his nation instead of focusing on incoming attacks from the outside. A lot of empires have fallen due to internal attacks. Interaction with other sectors was not too often which helps people be in an environment where everyone follows the same religion. There is also almost no interference from the government on how the leader chooses to run the Millets. Things like taxes and sometimes even laws aren’t checked by the government because there aren’t any rules against having different styles of living. Travelers from different religious backgrounds can now enter a land where they don’t have to be feared of not being able to walk in and get hurt because of their differences. This encourages travelers, who are usually traders to come to this culturally diverse and peaceful land to trade their goods, instead of going to Europe where only one religion was accepted: Christianity. Suleiman put out the laws on streets so that all could read and understand what is allowed and what is not. This was important because now everyone knew the difference between right and wrong. This also prevented officials from making fake or arbitrary laws. The Millet system and publicly distributing laws helped Suleiman the Magnificent lead a cohesive Empire because it prevented civil wars and officials planning schemes for the worst of the Ottoman empire. Suleiman’s Empire was also very economically strong; he managed to lead the richest Empire in the world at the time and own the gateway between the Black, Marmora, Aegean and Mediterranean Sea. Constantinople was part of the Roman Empire before Mehmed the Second conquered it in 1453. Mehmed primarily used gunpowder and ships to take over the centre of trade. At one point in the battle Constantinople made a golden chain in the sea so that Mehmed’s ships could not pass through. To solve the problem Mehmed used planks covered with grease to transport the ships over land, possibly to show his power and intimidate the enemy. Today Constantinople is known as Istanbul. Suleiman the Magnificent used Istanbul and the caravan routes to increase the income of the Empire. Istanbul was very effective due to its geographical position; it had a thin river going through it which was the only way to enter Africa, the Middle East and Europe by sea. This little strip of water is called the Bosphorous and whoever owned Istanbul could get money off of all the taxation of the heavy traffic. Ships carried silk, tea, spices and porcelain. From the Black Sea and southern Russian came ships with different types of furs, grain and amber. From Europe came mirrors and drugs. Ships from Venice and Genoa carried goods to Europe. The Ottoman navy protected the Bosphorous from pirates and other kinds of thieves. There was a tax on almost every transaction, but profit was limited to 10%. The trade through the Bosphorous was strictly looked after by the government to make sure there wasn’t any cheating or theft. When an employee left a company the government was notified right away. All markets were assigned a judge who had the right to punish those who tried to cheat. The government also made sure there weren’t any exports containing anything valuable like building material, minerals and food. The caravan routes were an essential part of making the Ottoman Empire richer than any other. Caravans were made up of groups of people and animals. Up to 20,000 people and 300,000 animals could be a general caravan traveling to Mecca made up of pilgrims and merchants. Numerous goods were shipped across the Middle East, Europe and North Africa. There were hundreds of routes that were protected by Ottoman soldiers. Since these routes were protected, Suleiman taxed travelers, and with the enormous amounts of people, they could make huge amounts of money. The caravan routes and Istanbul were two ways which Suleiman used to perfect his economy. This income was spent on extending his Empire and building various religious buildings to keep his Millets happy. Happy people meant a more cohesive Empire because everyone will stay motivated to do their job and stay in the Empire. Military is a massive part to a successful Empire, fortunately Suleiman had everything under control and used a system that really worked well. The Devschirme system started with Murad the First in the late 1300’s. Murad felt a need to counter the Turkic Nobles and started making a Christian army, independent of the regular army. It started off with two types of soldiers: infantry and cavalry. The cavalry was known as Kapikulu suvari (The Cavalry of the Servants of the Porte) and the infantry was called Yeni Ceri (Janissary. ) Firstly Christian slaves were trained for the elite force, but then the Devschirme system started to develop and Christian children were being adopted by the government to be brought up as Muslims. Then they would train in one of the four imperial institutions: the Palace, the Scribes, the Religious or the Military. Janissaries, army recruitment and technology are why the Military of Suleiman the Magnificent helped make a cohesive Empire. Janissary soldiers helped fight every major battle. They fought in wars against Austria and Hungary, defeated the Egyptian Mamluks and conquered Constantinople. Without the Janissaries there was a possibility that regular soldiers would not be able to withstand forces from Austria or Hungary and the Ottoman Empire could have been long captured. There were hundreds of trade routes to patrol and a huge border to protect. For this, the Empire needed an enormous army, but luckily with Suleiman Sultan the Military was always in best shape possible. Everyone who was captured would have to enroll in the army and serve the Empire. This way the Ottomans were never short on recruits, and don’t have to worry about any locations that they couldn’t control because of shortage on soldiers. The Ottomans were always ahead in technology when Suleiman was leading the Empire. They used gunpowder and ships to fight battles more efficiently, with cannons and gunpowder they could easily take down fort walls and with ships they could attack from sea. Janissaries, army recruitment and technology had the Ottoman Empire protected at all times. This way people did not need to worry about incoming attacks, but rather on their daily routines. Suleiman lead a very healthy empire by perfecting the economic, social and military aspects of the Empire to make it successful. The empire worked together not as individual people, making it very cohesive. When Suleiman’s reign finished the Empire headed downhill, but like Napoleon said â€Å"Turks can be defeated but never destroyed. †

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Sarbanes Oxley Act 2002

Anna Hendryx September 14, 2010 Acc. 201 Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002 Extra Credit Report Frank Huber Introduction The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 was a piece of legislation that came into effect in 2002 which introduced major changes to the regulations of the many financial practices as well as corporate governance. This particular piece of legislation was named after Senator Paul Sarbanes and Representative Michael Oxley. In this paper I will be discussing the overview, intended purpose, and whether or not SOA was a success or failure. OverviewThe Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 has been deemed as being the most significant change to securities laws since the 1934 Securities Exchange Act. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act was signed by President George W. Bush in 2002, and became effective on July 30th of that year. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which is often times referred to as â€Å"SOX†, was an act that set forth records management as well as retention policies for all public companies. This parti cular act was enacted in response to corporate scandals that involved large corporations, the Enron scandal being one of the more popular. Anand, 2004) The Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires all financial reports to include an internal control report. What an internal control report is designed to do is to show the company’s financial data accurately. Companies have confidence in these particular reports because its adequate controls are in place at all times in order to safeguard financial data. All year-end financial reports must always contain an assessment of the effectiveness of all internal controls. (Anand, 2004) Intended Purpose The intended purpose of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act was passed in the spot light of major corporate scandals.What a lot of these scandals had in common were that they engaged in skewed reporting of selected transactions. For example companies such as Enron, Tyco, and WorldCom misrepresented a variety of questionable transactions which ultimately resulted in very large losses for the stakeholders, of the companies, as well as a crisis in investor confidence. (Green, 2004) It was thought of by Congress that the Sarbanes-Oxley Act would address the problem by aiming to enhance corporate governance as well as to strengthen corporate accountability.Some of the ways that the Act does this is; it formalizes and strengthens internal checks within corporations. It has instituted various new levels of control and sigh-off which is designed to ensure that financial reporting exercises the full disclosure and that corporate governance is transacted with full transparency. (Green, 2004) Has the Sarbanes-Oxley Act been a success or a failure? This particular question is very debatable among different people. I would like to include both sides those who think that SOA has been a failure, and those who feel that SOA has been a success.Those who tend to criticize the Act, often times claim that the Act is unnecessary, and is too expensive to impleme nt. The most overbearing of all the criticizers of the bill claim that not only did the Sarbanes-Oxley Act fail, but also with its so called mission to ensure honest financial record keeping and disclosure but that it has also stifled new business development in the United States. Those who have deemed the SOA as being a success believe that more precise financial statements that are now being prepared for public companies allow the shareholders a greater confidence in regards to their investments. Green, 2004)Conclusion In conclusion having the opportunity to do this paper, has really taught me a lot about the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Before doing the research I can honestly say that I had no idea what it was. My feelings on this Act is that I would more so deem it a success more than a failure for the simple fact that it allows shareholders of large corporations that added confidence and comfort when it comes to dealing with their investments. Also, it helps the internal controls of co mpanies which ultimately provides them more tools to stop fraudulent activity.References: Anand, S. (2004). The Sarbanes-Oxley guide for finance and information technology professionals: by Sarbanes-Oxley group. Clifton, New Jersey: CLA Publishing. Green, S. (2004). Manager's guide to the Sarbanes-Oxley act: improving internal controls to prevent fraud. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons Inc.